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Orma herders from across the river are deliberately grazing their cattle on cultivated land owned by Pokomo farmers. July 1, 2020 June 23, 2020
A suspicious helicopter is flying around the Tana Delta region June 18, 2020 June 13, 2020
Drinking hot water prevents one from getting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) June 15, 2020
Two passenger motorcycles (bodabodas) that operate along the Gamba-Garsen road are mostly used for ferrying illegal goods and suspicious people May 7, 2020 Feb. 27, 2019
A man collapsed and died while buying beef from a butchery and the cause of his death is still unclear May 7, 2020 Dec. 9, 2018
A group of young men with dreadlocks who normally play pool until late at night are suspected of violent robbery and could be members of the outlawed Mungiki or MRC groups May 7, 2020 Dec. 10, 2018
A brand of soda called "Twist," which bears the label 666 and is manufactured in China, is made out of coronavirus poison and has been smuggled into Kenya despite the drink killing 180 people in Nigeria. April 22, 2020 March 18, 2020
A baby sent from Heaven was born at midnight and told people to make black tea without adding sugar or anything else and take it as a coronavirus vaccine. The baby then died at 3:00 AM. April 7, 2020 March 27, 2020
Tension high in Tarassa and its environs after a boda boda rider was lured into the forest by a passenger and the motorbike stolen suspects are still apprehended Nov. 21, 2019 Oct. 16, 2014
Intelligence reports say that Witu, Katsaka Kairo, and Ngao are the targets of a religious militia group Nov. 21, 2019 March 5, 2015
Ethnicity-related killings in Hola resulted in someone being killed Nov. 21, 2019 March 30, 2016
In the Moa area women who had gone to fetch firewood saw a group of more than 70 armed men who are believed to be planning an attack Nov. 21, 2019 Jan. 15, 2015
A group of around 300 MRC militia from Malindi are moving towards the Tana Delta targeting to attack Garsen, Moa, and Kipao Nov. 21, 2019 Nov. 4, 2014
There is land-related conflict between an Orma young man and a Pokomo farmer, leading to tension in the Tana Delta District after the Pokomo used a machete to cut the hand of the Orma Nov. 21, 2019 Dec. 6, 2017
An Orma grazed in a Pokomo farm when asked he was violent and hit the Pokomo, who retaliated by cutting the Orma with a machete on the skull, more Ormas are surging in the community the incident occurred leading to tensions in the area Nov. 21, 2019 March 8, 2015
A young Japanese man was seriously beaten by a mob after accusations of constant engagement in stealing from the locals and suspicions that he's a member of the outlawed MRC sect. March 31, 2019 Dec. 8, 2018
Cases of donkey theft are on the rise in Madogo and the incidents are causing tension in the area. Feb. 16, 2019 Dec. 12, 2018
Cargo lorries that ply Mombasa-Lamu road need to be inspected as the information that is circulating in the villages is that those lorries are either shipping weapons or drugs. Feb. 4, 2019 Dec. 14, 2018
Heavy bomb blast overheard in Bodhei and Ijara Feb. 4, 2019 Dec. 12, 2018
Several young men from Orma and a Dogodiya communities engaged in fight leaving four Dogodiya's nursing serious injuries. The fight led to rise in tension and increased fear of retaliatory attack. Feb. 4, 2019 Dec. 10, 2018
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