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The Orma from Kipao are taking away their patients who were admitted at Ngao hospital before their discharge dates this has caused lots of tension in Ngao fears of impending attack Aug. 5, 2015 Aug. 3, 2015
A young man disappeared in Hurara and was found dead Aug. 5, 2015 Aug. 2, 2015
Another person Wardei has disappeared in Chara Location Aug. 5, 2015 Aug. 3, 2015
I have received information that Sendemke was attacked yesterday Aug. 4, 2015 July 30, 2015
The Pokomos have cut a cow belonging to Nduru Orma Aug. 2, 2015 Aug. 1, 2015
An incident in Lamu has occurred we need updates July 31, 2015 July 29, 2015
There is information that gangsters have been seen in the Tana Delta and the D.C.C briefed the community members i want to know if that is MRC group or any other security threat. July 30, 2015 July 23, 2015
Two planes have been flying over the area in the morning and evening. July 23, 2015 July 18, 2015
A GSU camp in Nyongoro has been attacked July 21, 2015 July 18, 2015
People assumed to be with bad intentions spotted at Kuindwa road just before the Tarassa Junction. July 14, 2015 July 10, 2015
In Witu some people have taken cow milk that has enlarged their stomach and this is not a normal thing. July 14, 2015 July 12, 2015
An attack has occured in Kiunga, Lamu July 14, 2015 July 13, 2015
In Katsangani the Orma and Giriama are conflicting July 10, 2015 July 2, 2015
Citizens in Mitichara Katsangani Kurawa sublocation are fighting this is between farmers and Pastoralists July 10, 2015 July 2, 2015
Lamu buses convoy attacked by Alshabaab at a place called koreni near Mpeketoni no people injured July 10, 2015 July 7, 2015
Lamu buses convoy attacked by Alshabaab at a place called koreni near Mpeketoni no people injured July 10, 2015 July 7, 2015
Ndera and our neighboring Somali people,we are in tension because of terrorists attack to the villages and chiefs.UNAHAKIKA take initiative to connect the Government to provide night security to the schools and villages. July 9, 2015 June 20, 2015
The Kenya Police Reserve are hiring new recruits from the villages July 6, 2015 July 1, 2015
Kibusu residents are in fear after getting information that they will be attacked anytime so we are not sure whether this is true or just rumors July 4, 2015 July 2, 2015
I hear bad rumors that Chara Location has been attacked is that true? July 1, 2015 June 30, 2015
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