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Report Status Updated Occurred
Munyoyaya and Orma Community are fighting Nov. 12, 2016 Nov. 11, 2016
Wardei are planning to burn down houses belonging to farmers as they claim their animals are dying as a result of farmers using poison on the farms Oct. 17, 2016 Sept. 19, 2016
No animals vaccination has taken place in Tana North ward yet alot of money was used in the exercise Oct. 17, 2016 Sept. 12, 2016
Some farmers reported crop destruction by cows cases in Tarassa Police station. The agriculture office valued the crops at Ksh 750,000 but up-to date no compensations have been made Oct. 15, 2016 Sept. 3, 2016
Al-Shabaab militia attack and kill six in Mandera Oct. 13, 2016 Oct. 6, 2016
Gunshots heard in Kilelengwani Police post causing alot of tension in the area Oct. 7, 2016 Sept. 27, 2016
Wema dispensary is government funded but over charges the patients Sept. 26, 2016 July 6, 2016
Two herders have been injured by farmers with four cows also cut and one of the cows left with spear wounds Sept. 26, 2016 Sept. 22, 2016
Three youths from Bandi kidnapped by Pokomos from Hewani after cattle grazed on the farms at night Sept. 18, 2016 Sept. 17, 2016
Youths from Chamanamuma slashed youths from Semikaro with machetes in the middle of the night Sept. 18, 2016 Sept. 12, 2016
A group of people have made around 3,000 arrows causing lots of tension in Bandi and Peponi Sept. 15, 2016 Sept. 8, 2016
"The Kenyan Court of Appeal has today ruled that disallowing Muslim female students to wear hijab is discrimination. The court was very impressed by the argument of the Muslim advocates. please circulate widely this great news...." Sept. 15, 2016 Sept. 7, 2016
Two people sustained injuries after one was stabbed with a knife and the other speared. Sept. 15, 2016 Sept. 10, 2016
168 County officers left stranded without transport refund after undergoing 8 weeks training in Mombasa Sept. 14, 2016 July 14, 2016
Rumors are circulating that the NEMA office has approved Amu power's license for the construction of the Lamu Coal plant. Sept. 11, 2016 Sept. 9, 2016
Pokomo from Dalu have denied the Orma and Wardei from Didade which is a neighboring village the chance of selling milk in their community Sept. 9, 2016 July 4, 2016
Herders are migrating to Tana Delta so as to influence voting in next general elections causing conflicts between them and farmers. Sept. 8, 2016 Aug. 20, 2016
Wardei community are planning to fight the Orma community Aug. 14, 2016 Aug. 5, 2016
Attempted Al shabab attack in a police post in Lamu Aug. 14, 2016 July 14, 2016
KDF truck knocked down one local and killed him instantly Aug. 14, 2016 Aug. 10, 2016
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