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Report Status Updated Occurred
Someone cut and killed in Chewani March 31, 2017 March 30, 2017
Several people believed to be from Tana river killed by KWS rangers in alleged poaching spree March 13, 2017 March 3, 2017
A Pokomo man's hand was cut by a Somali after conflict ensued over grazing space March 1, 2017 March 1, 2017
Two young men had a fight and one stabbed the other with a knife three times, leaving him in critical condition. March 1, 2017 Feb. 23, 2017
Two pupils are still missing after a canoe they were using to cross the river to school capsized Feb. 22, 2017 Feb. 20, 2017
Violence in Garsen Feb. 22, 2017 Feb. 17, 2017
One person killed in Dumi area and the killers are unknown Feb. 20, 2017 Feb. 8, 2017
Kipao community members sent someone to tell the Ngao people that they will attack them anytime Feb. 20, 2017 Feb. 13, 2017
Violence erupted in Mikameni among the pastoralist communities leaving several injured and some dead. One of the dead bodies is believed to be hidden in the bush and the search is on leading to lots of tension. Feb. 13, 2017 Feb. 1, 2017
Citing orders from the Ministry of Education, headmasters are sending away teachers employed by the school board despite a shortage of teachers. Feb. 8, 2017
Stock theft rampant in Chara area this may lead to conflict Feb. 8, 2017 Jan. 19, 2017
Current influx of cattle from other areas leads to tension between farmers and herders in Kipini Feb. 8, 2017 Jan. 18, 2017
Cows belonging to Somali community that grazed in farms at night were cut and some were killed by unknown persons suspected to be farmers who own the land lots of tension building up Feb. 8, 2017 Feb. 7, 2017
KDF Camp attacked in Somali and many officers killed in the ambush Jan. 29, 2017 Jan. 27, 2017
Looming conflict between the lower and upper Pokomo communities over political positions Jan. 29, 2017 Nov. 29, 2016
An accident occurred in Kone Masa Jan. 26, 2017 Jan. 22, 2017
Bursary forms issued by the constituency development fund office targets only one community Jan. 26, 2017 Jan. 19, 2017
Class eight pupils and form four students will be doing their final exams in the month of July Jan. 26, 2017 Jan. 23, 2017
Somalis and Ormas are in constant conflicts in Hola the most recent case being a fight that led to injuries of several people Jan. 25, 2017 Jan. 10, 2017
Cholera outbreak in Kipini suspected to be as a result of improper disposal of human waste by Fishermen coming in from Tanzania. Jan. 25, 2017
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