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Over 500 al-Shabaab fighters were hired by Hussein Dado to fight with those who will win the elections right now the fighters are in Biade and Chakako Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 11, 2017
There were irregularities in Hurara Primary School polling station as there existed no register of the registered voters before voting started hence a plot to rig especially for an MCA Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 8, 2017
A boat has capsized and it is said to have been carrying Shakue Kahale, who had been an MNA aspirant for Lamu West, along with his family. The bodies still have not been found. Aug. 16, 2017
Mungiki are moving towards Mpeketoni to go protect the community or retaliate for the killings that took place in Mpeketoni Aug. 16, 2017 July 18, 2014
Rioting in Huruma as protesters chant "No Raila, No Peace" Aug. 15, 2017 Aug. 11, 2017
There is internal conflict among the Luo community regarding support for NASA (opposition) leader Raila Odinga after his presidential election loss Aug. 15, 2017 Aug. 12, 2017
Violence has erupted in Hola following the chaos that happened at one of the election results tallying centres Aug. 15, 2017 Aug. 10, 2017
Army vehicle exploded after driving on a land mine killing all officers on board Aug. 14, 2017
Violence has erupted in Hola polling station Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 10, 2017
The tallying centre in Hola is under attack Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 9, 2017
Political chaos and violence in Bura East Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 11, 2017
A car full of people was stopped by an angry mob and dragged out to be killed because they were Kikuyu Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 13, 2017
Garissa town attacked by bandits Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 10, 2017
Police teargassing children either intentionally or unintentionally Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 12, 2017
Nyamira Express Bus from Kisii has been burnt because of the elections outcome by Luos being bitter with the Kisii for voting for the other presidential candidate Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 9, 2017
Unknown surveyors demarcating land in Mkondoni without the community's knowledge Aug. 14, 2017
Violence in Mokowe Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 10, 2017
Uhuru Kenyatta has ordered the declaration of Hussein Dado as the winner in this elections by 14:00 hours where according to the tallies as at now is still behind Godhana as per the already counted votes. Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 10, 2017
Hussein Dado interrupted peaceful voting exercise in several polling stations like Garsen, Tarasaa, and Oda causing chaos and confusion as people questions his intentions of visiting the stations Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 8, 2017
Businesses burned in Mathare after Raila visited to give a speech. Aug. 14, 2017 Aug. 13, 2017
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